Whitney is so close to taking her first steps I can hardly believe it. She moves along furniture with ease and lets go of things and stands on her own for a few seconds before plopping down. She just needs some more confidence to take those first steps on her own. We also figured out she can climb stairs no problem either. Luckily she isn't too interested in the steps at our house...yet. I'm sure we'll be investing in a baby gate sometime in the near future.
While on vacation we got to celebrate my very first Mother's Day, what a special day Andy made for us. My girlfriends and I (also Mom's) were treated to a spa day with manicures and pedicures. Whitney also made me a I love Mom mug with the babysitter, a new coffee favorite. And as for Whitney, she enjoyed her first time on the beach, much sand was eaten, and she was dunked twice in the pool. She's becoming quite the water baby.
Babbling away and generally being a really happy baby, we couldn't be more proud. She brings me to tears on an almost daily basis. She has overcome so many odds, done so much more than I ever would have imagined in this short time. Every movement, every breath, every smile, I am delighted. Of course as we are nearing a year it just causes you to reflect even more on her life thus far. I'm sure I'll write more on that next month, but as for now, we are bursting with love.
Milestones include: Eating most everything / letting go of furniture / crawling up stairs / I give kisses / I get a bath at 8 and bottle at 8:30 I sleep until 7:30 / I went on my first vacation / I flew to WI again, this makes 5 times / I am curious!