Wednesday, August 10, 2011

Busy week

The past two weeks have been very busy with Grandma "JuJu" (Andy's Mom) in town. She headed back to Wisconsin on Tuesday morning, but left with many memories. While she was in town it allowed me to run some errands, see some friends and even have a night out with our friends who came to visit. Thank you again so much Julie for all the help!

Whitney continues to do very well. She is eating four ounces every four hours and is still sleeping a good amount. She also is getting so much more alert and focused. When she is awake she enjoys playing both on her back and tummy. I just got her some wrist rattles yesterday and it's fun to see her discovering them and the sounds she can make.
We have an appointment with the infant neurologist next week Tuesday. We are not sure yet if they will do a brain scan on her on Tuesday or if he will just write up the orders to have one done a different day. It would be great if they could do it all on one day. I am so nervous for this scan I can hardly take it. The good news is we have had enough time now to process and accept all that has happened. Whitney is a miracle just being here with us and we will continue to love her no matter what the outcome. I hate to keep reverting back to the bracelets we received, but "Strength, one day at a time" is so very true.

She has started to smile more and more each day which is so fun to watch.
 Last night was a really special moment for our family, all our visitors have left for awhile and it was just Andy, myself and Whitney. We were putting her to bed and reading some stories to her when she unleashed some really great smiles. This is one of the first times Andy has seen her purposely smile and so many smiles at that! We laughed together and ALL smiled, what a great feeling and moment it was for me.

The time I get with Whitney right now is just so great. She is such a "cool" baby. And so to leave you with a little bit of fun, we just wanted to share a super fun picture. Enjoy!

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