Wednesday, June 19, 2013

It's a GIRL!!

As everyone already knows, Whitney is now a big sister! Norah Elaine was born on May 24th, almost 2 weeks before her scheduled c-section date.
Just a quick recap of Norah’s birth, I had a scheduled appointment on Monday, May 20th and found out I was dilated to 4cm and was very “thin”, in other words, get ready, because this baby could come at any time. Before I left they scheduled me for the next week, but because Memorial Day was the following Monday, my next appointment would be Tuesday, 8 days after this last appointment.  The strange thing was I was feeling fine and not feeling contractions at all. I continued to work through the week and didn’t think much of going into labor.
Since Memorial Day is such a big weekend down here I called the doctor on Thursday the 23rd to see if they could see me on Friday just to make sure nothing had changed, I wanted to be able to enjoy the weekend without worrying about having a baby. They told me to come on Friday the 24th, little did I know I wouldn’t be back home for 3 days.

When I saw the doctor at 10:00 she said I was dilated to 6 cm and we were having a baby that day! Andy happened to be working later that day and was at the gym. She told me to go straight to the hospital (right across the road) and to call Andy to get my bag and to come on over. I was so surprised and exciting, the whole thought of having a baby that day was crazy to me. I wasn’t supposed to have her until June 4th, she was going to be a June baby. It was actually very comical to me, I was working that morning, now having a baby in the afternoon. No one knew we were at the hospital, no plans were made, heck, we just got the car seat out of storage 2 days prior.

I was prepped for the c-section and had Norah around 1:00 pm. The delivery was as smooth as can be and the sound of her cries when she came out was the most glorious sounds to our ears. The whole process was much different (for the better!) than with Whitney, it was the experience I feel we deserved. The hospital stay was enjoyable and actually….fun?! We had visitors come and had some alone time, it was so unusual to have a healthy baby in our arms, what a heavenly feeling.

My parents had purchased tickets to come here on June 1st thru June 25th. They weren’t able to change them so they did miss seeing us in the hospital, but it did allow for a week of time alone with just Norah and me, as Whitney still went to the babysitters. We are now totally enjoying having our parents company and their help. The days are limited and it will be sad to see them go. Andy’s parents will then be coming to visit and finally some alone time once again.

I know I am forgetting things, but with company staying with us it is hard to get away to write on the blog, but I wanted to get something written and some pictures posted. I am loving being a mother of two beautiful girls. Norah is a content little girl, crying mainly when she is hungry, she hasn’t had any crying spells in which we didn’t know what was wrong. Like I said though, we’ve had lots of help, so almost anytime she’s made a peep, someone has been there to get her. Oh well, I now know they are only small for such a short, quick time and spoiling them is OK.

On another side note, Whitney transitioned into her big girl room last week Monday, June 10th. She did so good and I’m extremely proud of her. The first night she cried for only a few minutes but never came out of her room. We checked on her a few hours later and she was curled up in bed sleeping. The next day for naps she laid right down and that evening she laid right down again without a peep. It has been like now ever since. She is officially out of her crib with little to no problems. YES!!!!

I also want to thank everyone for all their thoughts, prayers and well wishes this pregnancy and birth. There are so many emotions rolled into these past few weeks and the support and help from so many is so overwhelming. Our family is truly  blessed with so many thoughtful and incredible people in our lives. Thank you all!

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