Tuesday, August 23, 2011

Happy 2 month birthday Whitney!

Today is Whitney's 2 month birthday ~ Happy Birthday baby girl White! I received a funny email from my Mom this morning wishing her a happy birthday and her hopes for her to drink as much milk as she desires. teeheehee.

I'm a little late updating this, but Andy, Whitney and I went to Florence last Thursday to meet with the physical therapists. We had a really great meeting with them and they thought Whitney looked really good. They laid her down on some mats and started doing some exercises and stretches with her. Once again, I wasn't completely sure what they were checking for, but whatever it was they liked what they saw, they said they don't need to see her until she is 6 months old. Her muscle tone and movements look good thus far.

We were all so happy for her and the strength that she is showing. They requested we keep doing "tummy time" with her, as it will only help strengthen her neck and arms and we are also to keep working on some exercises we received when we were discharged from the hospital. These "exercises" are nothing terribly hard, and seem like something any newborn should be doing so we really don't mind working with her on them and I'm sure in time she will just think of them as games we play rather than exercises we are doing. I cannot say how excited I am at such great news we have gotten this past week. Between the infant neurologist and the therapists I am thanking God constantly. I know she may have a rough road ahead of her, but for now she is doing so well and we are learning to live in the moment and enjoying all her little milestones and not taking ANYTHING for granted.

On Friday, she has her 2 month shots scheduled so I'm excited to see how much weight she has gained and see how she does with the shots. I've seen her get pricked, poked and prodded so much she will probably SLEEP through the shots (probably not, but hey, wishful thinking) but at least it will be a little less heartbreaking for Mom, I've seen her through much worse.

Oh yes and one more thing, we went to Charlotte this weekend for a friends wedding and on Sunday night when we got back to the house we decided to start putting her in her crib in the nursery, rather than the playpen in our room. She's done great so far (sleeping about 5-6 hours at night) and I really like having her use the nursery. She also did really good traveling to Charlotte. We were able to introduce her to some of my clients for work and she got to see some of our friends at the wedding as well. I was really proud of myself for not overpacking or under packing for our first 2 night overnight trip with her, all went pretty smooth, and LOTS of sleeping for her in the car.

Here are her 2 month old pictures and "milestones" for those of you who don't know, you can double click on the picture and it will enlarge. Enjoy!


  1. Happy 2 month Whitney!!! So happy to see that you continue to do well!!! I love reading everything about you and I hope you continue to get stronger and keep those Dr.s telling your Mommy and Daddy that they are so proud of the things you are doing!!! And Sarah and Andy continue to do what you are doing, and that is being great parents and taking such great care of that beautiful little girl!!!!

  2. We LOVE how she is holding up two fingers to let us all know she is two months old ;) Those photos are adorable!!! Sounds like she is doing very well which is just wonderful news! Thanks for taking the time to post the updates...we love reading all the news and seeing her beautiful little face :)

    All our love to you guys - Cathy, Mike and Gabi
