Saturday, July 23, 2011

Happy one month birthday!

Whitney is one month old today, it is so hard to believe. Since she has only been home for almost two weeks she doesn’t seem that old, but the calendar doesn’t lie. She is getting so strong and has kept most of her hair (although now we are dealing with cradle cap), and she continues to eat really well.

Yesterday Whitney had her second doctor’s appointment with her pediatrician to basically see how she checked out this past week with weight gain. I was pleasantly surprised to find out she gained 11 ounces this past week, which puts her up to 7 pounds 14 ounces. The doctor said she is probably just making up for lost time and not to worry about the gain, in fact it is a good thing. I think all mothers of newborns can commiserate on the wonder of if their child is getting enough to eat. Whitney seems to be hungry all the time, however with her weight gain I guess it is confirmation that she is truly getting enough. We have another appointment scheduled for next week and if everything goes well then, we will probably be able to start going every two weeks rather than every week.

I have kept her off her monitor during the day which I really enjoy. It’s a bit easier when I’m by myself to be more mobile with her and free to move throughout the house. We always hook her up at night for sleeping, but for days with doctors appointments or shopping or running errands I’ve found it to be much easier to be “Wi-Fi” and one less thing you have to keep up with. So far the monitor has not gone off (knock on wood) except for parent error which I already talked about.

Whitney is most certainly finding her lungs. I suspect she will be full on crying in the next few days, so I’m trying to enjoy this time as much as possible. I hope she continues to be a patient, content baby and keeps those lungs to herself, I don’t need to hear them anymore, I believe her, she is able to cry.


  1. Hi, Sara, Andy:
    Judy and I are up in Muskoka (the hoity toity cottage country of Ontario about a 2.5 hr. drive north of Toronto.
    We brought our technology with us just in case you might update Whitney's blog. Are we ever glad that we did. The pictures are priceless. We are so, so happy for you. Whitney looks fantastic. I can just imagine captions beneath each frame.

    We can't thank you enough for sharing your joy with us. We really feel special and included in your parenting adventures. It is safe to say that we are blown away by how wonderful the two of you are and what great parents you are and how luck Whitney is to have you as her parents. She will never want for love. Of that we are sure.

    Love, John & Judy

  2. She looks amazing and beautiful! I'm so proud of her list of 'Can do's!'...she will continue to add to those and it will be awesome witnessing each one. I can totally relate to the crying, Sarah...I absolutely hated hearing Garrett cry and still do. I hope you guys are adjusting well, you're are still in our prayers. We LOVE you guys and miss you! :)
